I'd like to call the meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number eight of the Special Joint Committee on the Declaration of Emergency, created pursuant to the order of the House of Commons on March 2, 2022, and of the Senate on March 3, 2022.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, in accordance with the order of the House of Commons dated November 25, 2021.
For health and safety reasons, I'd like to thank the people who are present for complying with the recommendations from the public health authorities and the directives of the Board of Internal Economy.
In the event of technical challenges, please advise me, so that we can suspend for a few minutes, if necessary, to ensure that all members are able to participate fully in the meeting.
The committee is meeting today to discuss its future work. It is up to the committee to decide what motions it wants to discuss. A revised version of the committee's work plan has been distributed to committee members. The committee has three scheduled meetings left before the summer recess: Tuesday, June 7, Tuesday, June 14, and Tuesday, June 21. It will be necessary to decide which witnesses the clerks will invite to appear at each of those three meetings.
I think I understand that something in particular will be happening this evening: votes will be held in the Senate. Please signal me when it's time and I will adjourn the meeting so the senators among us can go and vote.
Ms. Bendayan, Mr. Motz and Mr. Naqvi wish to speak.
Ms. Bendayan, the floor is yours.