I would just add to it.
When you're dealing with the issue, there's a lot of knowledge and a lot of things that can be done. The thing we have not been able to fix is cultural change. We have to notify people. If we really are going to make advances, culturally, from a consumer's point of view, we have to educate the consumer that this is an important issue. We have a tremendous problem with climate change. We have a tremendous problem with air quality. We must educate the consumer about change, and then we have to change.
We also have to educate politicians about behaviour change, to get to the point where they start looking past an election period. Being from a non-profit organization, I can say that. We have to look for a longer span and develop a strategy that is going to work in the longer term. Then it will work.
The other thing that is critical, and perhaps the most important thing I can say here, is that federal and provincial civil servants are outstanding individuals. They're excellent. But they are understaffed for the job you want them to do. I can say that; they can't. If you really want to get something done under CEPA, you should do a review of the Department of Health, in particular, and the Department of Environment, and give them the tools they need to help you do the job. If you get them there, an organization such as ours is going to be able to help in partnership, and this can work far better than what you think.