I would like to raise something that has not yet been discussed, namely, the solutions. Our aim is to cut CO2 emissions. That is all very well, but I would like to know what is being put forward, what solutions have been suggested.
In my riding, there is a company called CO2 Solution. It takes CO2 and changes it into HCO3. Is there anything similar elsewhere? It is all very well to say that we want to reduce emissions and set certain limits, but we must also determine what that represents in dollars and cents and if it is doable.
I would like us to discuss solutions. We say that the situation warrants immediate attention, and that there are consequences relating to acting or not acting. I do not think that buying a carbon credit from Cameroon will solve the problem here at home. There are also objectives, costs, international issues and accounting. Motherhood and apple pie are one thing, but we have to be realistic.
Two weeks ago, my cousin died of cancer. The doctors did everything they could to save him, but he died because technology is not yet advanced enough. There may be progress in five or 10 years, but it will be too late for him, because he is dead.
I would like to know what is happening in this area. Is it doable? Ms. Gélinas said that out of the 300 million tonnes of CO2 that must be eliminated, only 100 tonnes can be accounted for here in Canada. The rest will have to be acquired elsewhere. That is her opinion. I would like to know if we are capable of reducing CO2 emissions by 300 million tonnes here in Canada, with the help of some facilities or some researchers. Thanks to its scientific research chairs program, Canada funds almost 70 chairs that are researching climate change.
Have there been any results achieved from all of the money we are investing? Is anything on the way?