Absolutely. In fact if you look at the demonstrable progress report that the UN published, in fact if you go through it carefully and not just cite certain aspects of it in terms of where countries are today with respect to their targets, every single country in their national communications has done three things. They've said this is where we are today relative to our target; some are below it, some are at it, and some are above it. Then they've indicated that these are the measures we currently have in place and where we expect to be by 2012. And then they have a third section that says these are the additional measures we intend to put in place to ensure we meet our target. Every country has done that.
That's what Canada needs to do. That's what the process of having ongoing plans and constant updates of our climate plans is all about. Every country is in the third or fourth iteration of their climate plans. That's absolutely appropriate, and Canada should be doing the same thing.