I'd like to make two observations, Auditor General, and then get some comments.
I've made this first observation before: that as I read the Auditor General Act, under subsection 7(2), it is very much a question of auditing things that have happened—it's accounts that have not been paid, essential records have not been maintained, money's been expended for purposes other than, etc., with the exception of paragraph 7.(2)(f), which I shall return to.
Under the section on sustainable development, which is presumably to guide the commissioner, we are looking at something that is much more prospective. That is to say, first of all, we are advocating for sustainable development. We think it's a good thing. It's like official languages: we think that's a good thing or we wouldn't have a commissioner, presumably, by definition. But it's toward sustainable development and it's defined as an evolving concept and it deals with issues that are not mentioned in subsection 7(2) of the act, such as meeting international obligations, promoting equity, and dealing with the needs of future generations.
So by definition there is a split between looking backward, which is the function of the Auditor General, and this inevitable looking forward, which is implied by sustainable development and the commissioner. That's the first observation.
The second observation is that under subsection 7(2), this auditing of essential records and money being expended, there is paragraph (f), which says “money has been expended without due regard to the environmental effect of those expenditures in the context of sustainable development”.
So my second conclusion is that the Auditor General's office deals with sustainable development in two ways. It has a specific function for the commissioner, and then in all the work, as you say in point 7 of your remarks today, “environmental aspects are considered in all of our work by all audit teams throughout the Office”. I thought about that. I went back to your 2006 audit for November and I recognize there are places where it would be very hard to make a case that there was something to do with sustainable development, like pension and insurance administration for the RCMP.
However, I did come to chapter 7, “Federal Participation in the British Columbia Treaty Process”, and there are many observations you make on a number of subjects of importance, such as narrowing the gap of living standards, lost economic opportunities. But what I find curious in this is here was an opportunity in commenting on this to insert an element of “And by the way, since we're spending all this money, under paragraph (f) I'm going to ask the question, where's the sustainable development part? There's a reference to resources, but there's not a reference to whether this is sustainable.”
In other words, I'm not sure that even with the current integrated model, at least if this is anything to go by, other than doing the obvious for atomic energy and so on, that there was an opportunity to exercise (f), if I might put it there, which was missed. Have I missed something myself in that?