You're asking a professional whose job is to reduce climate change effects on the planet. I think carbon should be as cheap as we could afford it to be.
It is, in Alberta, likely going to be set around $15 a tonne, because the technology fund that is in place now, with legislation coming forward, is not going to be enough to do carbon capture and storage. That's why we need to look to the respective governments and the companies and industry involved to invest heavily in carbon capture and storage. At $15 a tonne you're not going to get major CCS projects, especially along geological sequestration lines.
I just want to leave a couple of points, since you've mentioned my name.
First, carbon capture and storage is one of the tools we need. Energy efficiency is just as important—David and I have had numerous discussions around this—but carbon capture and storage is one of the major tools we need in the future. The cost will come down as we make major investments in this, especially in how we capture. There are multiple streams of R and D going on concerning how to capture CO2 at less cost than we're doing it currently.
I also think we have to consider that the CO2 that's being produced is not always where you want it. When you're producing it in the oil sands.... We're not talking about storage in central Alberta—not where the oil sands are located—but about a large backbone moving CO2 from Fort McMurray down into central Alberta.
That is a place the government should be investing its money, because it is costly. It is something we know how to do very well, very quickly. If there's nothing else in Alberta we know how to do, we know how to drill and how to build pipelines, but it has to be done where we need it. If it is for enhanced oil recovery or enhanced gas recovery, there is an opportunity to recover costs. But if it's straight geological sequestration, I believe that is an area where governments need to be investing.
Thank you.