Mr. Chairman, the discussion we have had around this table makes me very sad. We have been colleagues for nearly 10 years and have worked together on the Standing Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development for nearly 6 years. You were the official critic for your party. But we feel that this motion is your interpretation; it is not a confidence motion. If you decide to resign upon adoption of this motion, it will be your decision.
I am not questioning the fact that it has been difficult for you up to now to invite witnesses. Ensuring that as many witnesses as possible come before the committee is always a difficult task. On that score, I think that you have done what you could. It is not the witnesses that I want to focus on, but the agenda. That is the problem.
I would remind you that on page 855 Marleau and Montpetit, the following is stated:
Generally, the length of time to be devoted to a particular topic is a matter for the Committee to decide. This may be done formally, by adopting a work plan, or by simply allowing Committee members to discuss an issue until they are ready to make a decision.
To begin with, that decision was made on June 7th, and the work plan was determined the same day. Second, according to Marleau and Montpetit, page 856, your role is as follows:
The Chair presides over the deliberations in committee, recognizing speakers and ensuring that the deliberations adhere to established practices and rules, as well as to any particular requirements which the Committee may have imposed upon itself and its members.
Those particular requirements are, in fact, the work plan. Third, I would remind you of the following:
Where a committee has agreed to adjourn to the call of the Chair, the Chair instructs the clerk to send an amendment to the notice convening the members, informing them of the cancellation.
That was done. However, it is also stated:Where the meeting has been convened by order of the committee,
which was the case on June 7th,
the Chair consults with representatives of the various parties before sending the cancellation notice.
I have to tell you honestly, Mr. Chairman, I received neither—