The answer is very different in this place. In fact, when they're in the House standing, there's no abstention; there's no wonderment. He's standing on his feet to indicate he's yea or nay on the motion. It's not an issue of his standing to ask, because by token of being on his feet, he is indicating whether he is for or against whatever the call has been. There's no ambiguity about that.
We sit in our seats here. The big difference is that when you are passed over because you don't stand, that's an abstention. But here we're on the record with an oral indication. I think it's very different, with due respect, Mr. Chair.
A person on his feet in the House would never say, “I need more time.” It would contradict the very fact of his being on his feet. He is on his feet for a reason, and that's to indicate yes or no in respect to the question that is before the House. That's why it's very different here.