Sure. It's in L-25, on page 49 in the new package of amendments.
Part of what we're doing here is just making sure this act is every bit as extensive in asking for sustainable development plans as the previous act, plus all of the additions that were put in later by order in council. So there are really these various purposes, which clause 11 is trying to get at. So that's the reference to schedule 2 of this act.
The other thing to be said is that we've also incorporated the idea that the Governor in Council may expand the list. That's subclause 11(3) in this:
(3) The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of a minister presiding over a department not named in Schedule 1 to the Financial Administration Act, or agency named in Schedule 2 of this Act direct that the requirements of subsections (1) and (2) apply in respect of the department or agencies.
In other words, the list can be expanded down the road, just as it has been expanded since we passed the original act to include these seven agencies. So it allows for future expansion. And those three categories add up to what this act is about.
The fourth point is that the Governor in Council may make regulations to put this into action. So this covers off regulations. It's a multi-purpose activity, which allows the rest of the act to flow. It's a very crucial bit, as well as saying that every minister has to update every three years. That would be the overall rationale for this.