My final question for you relates to the triggers to get the major emitters of greenhouse gases to take action to reduce using offsets or technology and so forth. There have been a number of empirical studies done. KPMG did one in the 1980s. Dr. Dianne Saxe did one. NESCAUM, which is an association of U.S. states, did an empirical study of what the key driver is to shift investment to cleaner energy technology. Across the board, CEOs identified the one key trigger being regulation. Interestingly, Shell Canada, out of Calgary, just yesterday announced that they are calling for regulatory triggers to make it clear so that they can start the investment.
How do you feel about that? Do you think it's really critical to get regulatory measures on the table to provide a clear message to start shifting investment towards...? We've had some shift of public resources.
Oops, we lost him. Isn't technology great?