The fundamental policy goal is to achieve an agreement that is environmentally effective, one that places us on the path to achieving reductions of at least 50% globally by 2050. In order to get there, as I mentioned, we're going to need economy-wide actions and commitments from developed countries and we are also going to need very broad action from developing countries. We're going to have to find a way to build this package in a manner that is consistent with the aspirations of all countries to pursue sustainable development and to continue to grow their economies, to continue to provide increasing sources of affordable energy to their people to enable them to continue to reduce poverty and increase living standards.
All those policy goals have to be addressed together. We have to find a way, through this agreement and broader collaborative action, to achieve growth, sustainable development, while also achieving the deep emission reductions that science tells us are necessary. To get there, again, we're going to have to scale up global cooperation. We're going to have to drive the development and deployment of clean technologies. We're going to have to also generate the financial resources necessary and the investment necessary in order to enable that clean growth path going forward.
So it's a very ambitious goal that we're seeking to achieve.