When I read your report, I noted that by auctioning credits, the government could—unless I'm mistaken—bring in almost $72 billion a year, which you say could be reinvested in the economy. That would probably mean, according to your analysis, that the Canadian economy would be more competitive. When we talk about innovation, development and competitiveness, in the end, we're talking about job creation. Is that what I am to understand?
I was looking at the figures from the Canadian Wind Energy Association. You're talking 18% by 2020; the industry says 20%. In terms of electricity sales, the word is $78 billion dollars—of new money into the Canadian economy. That's probably an important factor.
I'd like to come back to the impact on each province. When I look at your table, I see that Alberta still has the highest year-over-year growth in GDP: 3.3%. Quebec, meanwhile, has the lowest annual growth in GDP in Canada; we're talking growth of 1.3%.
What guarantee does Alberta have that the commitments will be met, which is recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? What assurance is there that the Alberta economy will still remain strong? According to your scenario, you take into account carbon sequestration and capture. How will Alberta be able to maintain its economic growth?