I might be remembering this a little wrong, but I'd say that of the 30 communities, less than 15, but close to half, would be Alberta and Saskatchewan; no communities in Manitoba. In the list I'm going to send you, it shows no communities in B.C., but if I step back from the numbers and look at it technically, I would put Kitimat near the top of the list, even though it doesn't technically show right now. It's based on 2007 numbers, so I would add Kitimat.
In proportion to population, the provinces with the greatest risk profiles are New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland, because while they have greenhouse gas per capita exposures that are lower than others, the opportunities to generate new revenues are substantially lower than in other regions as well. So when you're looking at the community list, the situation is different for each context.
If you look at the community list again going to this study, this study does two things at the same time. It generates a whole bunch of new government revenues from operations that it presumes are going to continue to discharge greenhouse gases and buy permits to do so, but you can't have the money if they actually cut the emissions. The communities tend to be single-industry towns, sole-employer towns, so when you take out the sole employer, what I'm saying is that you'd better know what you're putting in its place. In British Columbia, where I live, every time we've taken out a sole employer, the primary source of income becomes government.