Thank you. Time has run out on the meeting. Actually, Mr. Tulurialik's connection has been terminated already.
Chief Erasmus, I'd like to thank you for your comments and participation in today's study of Bill C-311.
Just before I adjourn, I want to request that anybody who wants to forward amendments on Bill C-311 do so as quickly as possible so we can start doing clause-by-clause on December 1.
Just so everyone knows what the line-up is on Thursday, we are having our international panel. Next week, on Tuesday, we have the international panel, with witnesses from Environment Northeast and from the Pew Center on Global Climate Change. On November 26 we have the panel on the economy. Our final panel is on December 1, and we have an industry panel.
There have been other witnesses who have requested to appear, but time is running short, unless the committee desires to have one more panel on December 3. But right now we do have that for clause-by-clause consideration.
Ms. Duncan.