Thank you very much, Chair.
One of the things that has been an underlying statement and theme running through this testimony is that without being able to quantify it, we are aware that the cost of doing nothing will be extremely high. Now, how high it will be and what it will look like, obviously, is something we need to watch unfold, but there is an awareness that if we don't do anything, the economic impacts will be huge.
This is why I take a little bit of issue with Mr. Calkins' presentation and question around the perils of capital flight versus the perils of not reducing global emissions. That's because the emissions we are going to be seeing as a cause for the melting of Arctic sea ice, the climate extremes we're going to be facing, the various consequences of a two degrees or more increase in global temperatures means that the priority needs not to be keeping business as usual for as long as we possibly can, but addressing this grand issue and this grand challenge in a way that is going to lead to maximal economic prosperity for, in our case, Canada. That's what we're talking about trying to get.
I think balance needs to be brought back in. We have to look at reducing emissions on a global level. The emissions that come from China, the emissions that come from Russia will affect us here, and therefore we have to be open to reducing the emissions in the most efficient way possible.
I like very much one of the things you've said, that targets are all well and good, but it's the intermediate steps and how we get there that we need to start talking about and looking at.
The discussion we're having around Bill C-311 is very much looking at 25% below 1990 levels. We've heard testimony that the 20% reduction from 2006 levels is in line with returning--more or less, give or take 3%--to 1990 levels.
So my question is--even given the modest targets that the Conservative government has put forward for returning to 1990 levels of C02 emissions over the past four years--have C02 emissions in Canada decreased or increased?