That's right.
Would each of you say that is more or less relevant to, say, the Pembina Institute and how many people they hire, or the Suzuki Foundation and how many people they hire, or any of the other environmental non-governmental organizations and how many people they hire?
I'm asking this question, obviously, as a bit of a cynic. I don't expect you to know the answer, but I think I've made my point.
I'd like to get on, Mr. Lloyd, to the question that you had, and I'm actually quite excited about the points you brought up. I think where Canada stands to gain the most from this is through the development of technologies that deal with being cleaner, being more efficient, as we move forward. Most Canadians would agree with that. It makes more sense to me, as an Albertan, as a Canadian, that we invest in our own industries, invest through technologies to make our own industries stronger. Obviously, that will give us a technological advantage, which we can use. It will enhance our education facilities, research facilities. It will enhance our ability to export these technologies around the world. I would actually like to see a plan that goes forward investing more into that technology.
Could you just reiterate for the committee some of the problems you see with the technology as it was proposed before, and where you'd like to see that go in a new type of agreement?