Mr. Chair, this has been raised at the whips' level, and we need to plan for the review. It's a legislative requirement. I tabled a motion. I provided the clerk with a motion a couple of weeks ago, and the motion is that the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development undertake the five-year legislative review of the Species at Risk Act as required in said act.
Again, at the steering committee, we could plug in to a plan for that. There is a legislative requirement for us to begin it. It's not clear on the scope or how long it would be, and the steering committee could provide that direction for the committee.
So it's going to be, actually, quite an in-depth meeting on Monday. We've scheduled one hour on Monday for the steering committee meeting. That may not be adequate. We may need to plan for two hours.
The Species at Risk Act we should be beginning, as pointed out by Mr. McGuinty. We are overdue in beginning that, and we need to start. That's a legislative requirement.