Yes, thank you.
Just as the Auditor General said, we essentially looked at “with” versus “without”, and clearly, when completed, when settled, we looked at whether the components of an environmental regulatory regime were in place. When they were settled, we looked at the regimes in terms of whether they have the components that are necessary for an effective regime, yes, but as the Auditor General said, we didn't examine...nor do we have the mandate to look at the boards per se.
If I may, Mr. Chair, I have just two other points.
We did note in the chapter, as the honourable member said, the importance, the disproportional importance, of climate change in the north. We noted in the chapter that the north has recorded an increase of 2 degrees Celsius in the last 60 years compared to an increase of 1.2 degrees Celsius south of 60. There is vast scientific evidence on the disproportional effects of climate change. We've referenced it. It's widely accepted. We've identified other environmental pressures in the north, with a 63% drop in the Bathurst caribou herd in the north as well.
So science clearly is an important part of this. I think the other part of it is just having real-time data, which is the ongoing basis--and which our colleagues have mentioned--for monitoring stations in order to detect these changes, which could then contribute to the cumulative effects monitoring system.