Absolutely. We talked about the branding. If the park name is changed, subject to the approval of this committee and Parliament, there will be initial excitement about that. It will draw new attention to the park. It may, in fact, generate enough revenues just from that initial excitement to pay for the costs in terms of the changes.
But on the islands themselves—some of them are small, some of them are rather large, and some are not a whole lot bigger than this room—there are signs that would probably be about the size of this desk between where Mr. Ross and I are sitting. There are some larger signs that are at the mainland site, at Mallorytown Landing, and there are a few other signs here and there, but they're not large signs and the cost could be very minimal. They are these slat signs; they could pop one piece out. You're only talking about a piece about this big to change “St. Lawrence” to “Thousand”.