Yes, in Quebec we have the environmental quality act, which states that wetlands can be developed, with authorization. This legislation is very controversial right now, as some MPs may know. It has led to very big discussions about planning and about the ecological importance of these wetlands. Of course, as we discussed earlier, education about the importance of wetlands is very relevant, in particular, as the person from Alberta mentioned, with respect to the ecological goods and services these wetlands provide to society.
Clearly, society being what it is, we must use natural resources, as mentioned earlier, in a sustainable way and, to do that, we think that planning is really the basis of this process. So, it is important to identify the wetlands that are a priority. The tool we developed uses a five-level priority scale. It can be adapted to the number of priority levels that we want and to the geographical unit desired, be it the RCMs, municipalities, drainage basins, or at the provincial or national level. In addition, this priority methodology can be exported.
In short, we base things on the surface area of the wetland, its connectivity with other areas, on its ecological diversity, the disruptions inside and outside that area, and also its fragmentation. All those criteria, combined with the presence of species at risk and how rare the environment is, give a priority rating to this area that people can include in planning. So, upstream of development, people can know whether they will have difficulty getting their authorization certificate or if it will be easier to get it.