What upsets me is the idea of assigning an economic value to a wetland. A wetland is a life. How much is each individual around this table worth? Will we assign a figure to someone here around the table because he has a big house, three cars, a propriety or something like that? With regard to a wetland, we should take into account its richness and its biological diversity. It is the basis of life.
With all due respect to Andréanne, when she tells me that it is worth $10,000 per hectare, I would ask you to go to Massachusetts and see what value is assigned to a hectare of wetland there. One hectare has been valued at $185,000 a year for services rendered to regulate rain run-off. A value of $225,000 per hectare has also been assigned for pollutant management, for a total of $410,000 per year for every hectare of wetland in Massachusetts. If we want to play with the valuation figures, a wetland will definitely be worth more in an urban area on Montreal Island because it has a more important role to play, compared to the Centre-du-Québec, the high north or Yukon. That is where assigning figures and a cost to this becomes a trap.