My only feedback to you is that certainly there are people who study the cost of a loss of beneficial uses. I don't have the numbers off the top of my head; that's not what I do. We know, for example, that for invasive species, there are really billions of dollars' worth of impacts.
I would say that it's a sort of plea. I know that's the evidence you folks need in order to make those.... There's a plea for us to see more people actually involved and actually doing those cost estimates. Sometimes you say, well, what is the value of a wetland? What is the value of being able to swim at a beach?
We can do that; I have done some work at beaches and that sort of thing. It's amazing how it adds up. You can throw that into an economic model. For one little beach along the St. Lawrence River, it's a loss of $200,000 a year of economic revenue, so those are significant.