I'm sorry.
I thank you very much for your testimony today. I want to focus on how you believe very strongly that we have the ability to go to 100% recycling of waste products and waste materials. In your opinion, how are we best served in bringing that forward, in conjunction with municipalities, to embrace new technologies?
You referred to the technology we heard about from one of our witnesses regarding the ability to separate plastics by just a reader, basically, which will see what's in that plastic and will be able to separate it out. It doesn't have to read a bar code. It doesn't have to read any kind of recycling symbol or anything. It actually reads the material itself.
I know that from one of our other witnesses after that meeting, when I talked to one of the municipal groups, there's some resistance to that. There was a sense of “well, we've always done it this way, we separate it at the home, and it's a new technology”.
How do we work to try to encourage municipalities? I say so because part of our study focuses on technological innovation in such management and on the best practices of provincial, territorial, and municipal jurisdictions. How do we work with those municipalities to bring forward those best practices that you've referred to?