I've had a glance through some of the clauses of this bill. I know, for example, that clause 4 establishes the protection and presentation of natural and cultural heritage. Clause 6 requires the minister of the day to manage the park taking into consideration “the protection of its natural ecosystems and cultural landscapes” and “the maintenance of...native wildlife and...the health of...ecosystems”. I'm told that clause 7 is a first in federal legislation in creating a protection regime for “cultural resources”. Clause 9 requires management plans to address the protection of natural and cultural heritage and so on.
There is a lot of protection of natural ecosystems and cultural landscapes mandated in this bill, but at the same time, we know that, as I looked at the map, Highway 401 runs right through the middle of this park. I think there are also some hydro lines.
The question I want to put to you is, how does this bill allow for necessary public infrastructure development in the park while at the same time protecting the environment?