Thank you very much for this opportunity to be here on the traditional territory of the Algonquin nation. My name is Anna Johnston. I'm a staff lawyer with West Coast Environmental Law, a non-profit environmental organization that has been protecting B.C.'s environment through law for over 40 years.
Today I'm going to focus my comments on the impact assessment act. I will make a couple of recommendations touching on the navigable waters act amendments and the CERA, but mostly focusing on the impact assessment act. I won't be able to go into as much detail as we did in our brief, of course, but I will suggest that if you want more specific language we've put a series of actual amendments in our appendix.
The impact assessment act intends to introduce some important and much-needed shifts in the way that we do environmental assessments here in Canada. But we're concerned that the act leaves a lot of detail to guidance and to the discretion of decision-makers and so fails to provide the kind of certainty we need that assessments on the ground will actually achieve the act's goals or that future governments will implement the act as it's intended.
My first set of recommendations is around how to make the planning phase work. We welcome the introduction of a planning phase, which we believe can help improve public engagement, collaboration, and the conduct of assessment, but the combination of the agency decision, as Josh mentioned, about whether an assessment is required at all and the lack of any requirement for there to be clear outcomes of the planning phase risks that this phase will just end up becoming a screening level assessment.
In order to make it function as it should, we recommend two things. One, as Josh suggested, is limiting that agency determination to only a determination that no assessment is required where there's no federal jurisdiction, so get rid of that discretionary ability to exempt projects. Two, turn proposed subsection 16(2) into a requirement that the agency produce an assessment plan that prescribes the things that need to be considered in the assessment, the way the participation opportunities have to be considered, criteria to guide this decision and timelines, etc.
Second, to ensure sustainability we have a series of recommendations. We fully support the transition towards the broader impact assessment model and the purpose of the impact assessment act to foster sustainability, but we're really concerned that, ultimately, decisions don't have to actually help achieve sustainability or help Canada achieve its climate commitments.
As both Josh and Jamie suggested, we fully support that proposed section 63 be amended to require that decisions be based on those factors that are listed, instead of just taking into account those factors, so that decision-makers can't, for example, take into account whose riding the project is in and votes that count. Also, in regard to adding some legal bottom lines, we completely support that to make sure that there are certain circumstances where projects cannot be approved. For example, when there's a significant risk that they will hinder Canada's ability to achieve its climate commitments.
Then, thirdly, there's tightening up that decision statement, proposed section 65, so that instead of just issuing a decision statement, which in my reading of it a decision-maker could just say, I've considered all the factors and believe the project is in the public interest, it actually requires decision-makers to explicitly justify how they've reached the public interest determination and any adverse effects, residual adverse effects.
I've represented clients on an environmental assessment where they've picked up cans out of ditches for years and held bake sales and dances to fund their participation in a project where the review panel report was essentially ignored by decision-makers. It made a mockery of the process and was a completely pointless exercise of years of my client's life. In order for them to feel like they've been meaningfully heard, they need to be able to see that justification that went into the decision.
The third area I'm going to touch on is how to achieve binding regional and strategic assessments. I think the committee has already heard quite a lot on how to ensure that regional and strategic assessment tools are used and used well. In addition to those, we'd recommend, first of all, enabling the minister explicitly to enact regulations prescribing how those assessments are conducted, so that we know that they're done in a robust and rigorous manner, and also to prescribe periodic updates to them so that the information doesn't become quickly out of date.
Secondly, amend the act to require that the strategic and regional assessment outcomes actually are binding on project-level decisions instead of just factors to consider, because, otherwise, if it's all left to discretion there isn't necessarily much of a point in doing them.
Finally, related to that, we'd recommend actually requiring a government decision—either ministerial or cabinet—at the end of a regional or strategic assessment. This can be done in the form of a response to the committee report or agency report, and it can say whether or not it accepts the report, accepts it with modifications, or rejects it. In order for regional and strategic assessments to provide that necessary policy guidance at the project level, we believe there has to be some kind of government decision at the end of them.
I'll next turn to how to ensure that participation is actually meaningful in assessment. There's a good intention in the act to meaningfully engage the public. We were quite happy to see that there's no more standing test, but we're again worried that the lack of specificity in the act means that assessments don't necessarily need to provide those meaningful opportunities. I just want to make it clear that the goal here isn't to get 100% agreement on decisions, but there ought to be and can be a 100% buy-in of them. To that end, our earlier recommendation that the agency be required to produce an assessment plan will go a long way to helping get buy-in by setting out a participation plan that the public has actually been consulted on in that planning phase.
In addition to that, we would recommend a pretty simple amendment to the public participation processes to say that public participation should be meaningful and in accordance with that assessment plan, and then amending those timeline provisions to allow the agency to come up with alternate timelines in that planning phase. A little bit of flexibility to adapt the length of assessment processes is required.
Finally, I'll touch a little bit on the federal projects and getting the federal house in order. The provisions respecting federal proponent projects on federal lands and projects outside of Canada were quite disappointing. To better ensure the federal government's own projects actually help achieve sustainability, we would recommend, as Josh pointed out, including as a trigger for those projects that have federal funding or where there's a federal proponent on provincial crown land or private land, appointing the agency as the responsible authority rather than letting federal proponents self-assess, and bolstering the public participation opportunity, which currently just says that the federal authority should make a determination and provide a 15-day comment period before that determination is made.
They've already made the decision. They're not even doing an assessment there, so lengthening those public participation processes and requiring the federal proponents to provide project descriptions is a pretty basic amendment that should be a given in any assessment. Then they should have a comment period on the draft determination.
In our brief, we made recommendations on a few other areas, including, really importantly, respecting how to uphold indigenous rights, jurisdiction, and decision-making authority. Given that this committee is hearing from a number of indigenous colleagues, I think I'll defer to their submissions on that front.
I will just quickly turn to a few recommendations respecting the Canadian energy regulator act and the Canadian navigable waters act, as I think it will now be named.
We didn't provide a brief on the CERA. We support the recommendations that a number of our colleagues, including the Pembina Institute, Environmental Defence Canada, and Équiterre provided. In particular, we would like to support amendments that would align the CERA with the impact assessment act in requiring that reviews of energy transmission projects consider climate implications and align with Canada's climate targets.
In addition to those submissions, we have one additional thing that we'd like to bring to your attention. We'd recommend amending proposed sections 201 and 202 of the CERA to allow non-landowners to submit comments on detailed routes and to participate in hearings on detailed routes. Right now, those provisions are limited to landowners, but there are of course going to be circumstances where landowners are not aware of sensitive ecosystems or stream crossings, or where pipelines will cross on provincial crown land. Just to make sure that we're actually routing pipelines and transmission lines where they ought to go, include general-public provisions in those.
Finally, on the navigable waters act, we did submit a brief on that. I just want to make two really quick comments. One recommendation would be to amend proposed subsection 7(7) to add environmental considerations to the factors that have to be considered when assessing projects under that act. We've been told that the amendments to the navigable waters act are supposed to act in conjunction with the impact assessment act and that the navigable waters act is supposed to catch projects that aren't being caught.
If you're not considering environmental factors under the CNWA, or NPA, then it's not a safety net.
Second, either delete the definition of “navigable waters” or amend it. Right now, it takes a much more restrictive definition than what a lot of the common law cases say, so either delete it or apply the broader common law definition to make sure we are capturing them all.
Thank you very much.