Well, you said something else just a couple of seconds ago, and I'm talking about the bill as well.
I have referenced the section of the bill that says every single project is going to have to be evaluated in terms of the impact the project will have on the climate change targets that Canada has committed to, and the degree to which a project will move forward will be driven by the fact that the tools that are being used are either successful or not. One of the foundational tools within that plan is a carbon tax.
Madam Chair, if you're going to shut me down when this is completely relevant to the pan-Canadian framework on climate change and the legislation that we have before us, and impacts the likelihood of whether a project will proceed or not, then this cover-up is getting worse than Canadians imagine.
We've asked question after question of this government about what impact the carbon tax will have on emissions in Canada and how much it will cost Canadians. Now you're telling me that you cannot allow me to have questions—