In this amendment, we're doing exactly what was proposed in the Liberal proposal. This same issue arose when we were reviewing the Federal Sustainable Development Act. It was discovered that the current sustainable development act and the one that has been proposed by the government, which also still has not been brought forward for final reading and debate, kept referring to “environment”, not to “sustainability”.
The front end of this bill and both of the preambles talk about the whole purpose of this bill being to ensure sustainability. Then it defines all of the aspects of sustainability, and “effects” mean economic, environmental, and social effects, but not cultural ones apparently. We have gone through the entire bill, and to provide consistency we propose that it speak simply of “adverse effects” rather than “environmental effects”. If the intention of the government is to send the message that we're no longer limiting reviews to the impacts on the environment, but are also looking at social impacts and economic impacts, why have we reverted back to the word “environmental”?
This amendment goes through, as much as we could, the entirety of the bill. When you get to page 47, we have added a definition of “adverse effects” rather than “environmental effects”. That would be the same, consistently, as impacts on “the environment, health, social, cultural or economic conditions”.
I looked at what the Liberals brought forward on the sustainability act, which were the same amendments that I brought forward. The government, in its wisdom, obviously agreed and said, yes, we should be speaking to sustainability, not to environment, because that's what the sustainable development goals are. They're much bigger than just impacts to the environment.
This bill supposedly is going to deliver an impact assessment process that goes far beyond just environmental impacts. I have endeavoured to reflect that throughout the bill, so wherever it would say “environmental effects”, instead it would say “adverse effects”.