I'm very sorry to hear that from someone who claims to be very interested in the issue. I will remind everyone at this table that when the carbon tax was first announced, I was at a briefing where an Environment Canada official said very clearly in no uncertain terms that the carbon tax was the “foundational element” of their climate change plan—the foundational element. This wasn't some throwaway. It wasn't on the side. It wasn't a minor piece.
It's been repeated here by Mr. Turner that the carbon tax needs to be the major piece of every platform. If that's so, then we as the environment committee should at least have a close look at what a carbon tax entails. As some of you will know I've gone on quite a journey on the carbon tax. I've always been open to whether we should use a market-based mechanism to change behaviour in a way that ultimately doesn't punish Canadians broadly. It punishes, perhaps, or penalizes those who use more or who do things that emit more greenhouse gases but then return the money to taxpayers one way or another.
Which is why when the B.C. carbon tax was first introduced—Mr. Aldag, you're from B.C. so you will remember this—Gordon Campbell introduced this tax, and Gord is a friend of mine. This is not casting aspersions on him. He swore up and down that this was going to be a revenue-neutral tax that was going to discourage behaviour but be returned to the taxpayer. For the most part, with a few exceptions, that's what happened with the B.C. carbon tax.
Today that carbon tax is at $35 a tonne. I've yet to meet an economist who will agree that $35 a tonne or $50 a tonne or even $100 a tonne is significant enough to change human behaviour. Be that as it may, you have this tax in B.C. so it's now at $35. That's done. Greenhouse gases in B.C. are still going up. Some will say that's because the economy is growing. The Paris Agreement targets are absolute targets. There is no adjustment for economic growth. Those are your targets. You have to meet them.
If that's the reference point, we're failing in British Columbia to reduce emissions. What did the new government, the NDP government do? They removed revenue neutrality so now it becomes a cash cow for governments to spend on their own political priorities. Why wouldn't you want to study that? If there's a carbon tax that can be defended, that can be promoted to Canadians as being defensible and workable and effective, then let's do that at this table, not walk away from the issue. That's what it appears my Liberal friends are doing.
Let's have a fulsome discussion about this. That's all we're asking. This is the foundational element of the pan-Canadian framework on climate change that the Liberal government tabled and promised was going to lead us to climate change nirvana, that we were going to meet those Paris targets. Today it's very clear that we're not even on track to meet those targets.
That's my case. Let's support this. Let's do something and we will be constructive participants in that effort. We're not here to bash the carbon tax. I remain to be convinced, but I'm going to be a constructive participant and Mr. Lake will and Mr. Godin will and everybody else who comes to the table.