I would point back to—and I won't be able to quote it verbatim.... This approach came out of a lot of engagement, not only with provinces and territories, but with a whole range of stakeholders, indigenous communities, industry and the Canadian public.
The broad pan-Canadian approach to pricing carbon pollution, which includes this federal backstop measure as one key element, is underpinned by some principles that were developed by the carbon pollution pricing working group. That was a cross-sector group. We'll share the actual proper link. It's available, and you can look at the specific bullets.
Some of the key ones were a combination of things. Obviously, a consistent one was the environmental outcomes, about ensuring that key sources of pollution were being addressed and covered. Timely implementation was an important one. There were other elements that are also informing some of the mechanisms, such as how proceeds are being returned. Some of those included ensuring that the approach was gradual and transparent, ensuring that policies take into account impacts on potentially vulnerable populations, as well as competitiveness impacts and carbon leakage risks for industry.
I'm not quoting these verbatim. I'm happy to point you to the specific underlying ones. I would point to that as underlying the overall pan-Canadian approach, which took into account the provincial and territorial systems as well as the federal approach.
We have some more specific, related principles that underpin the different pieces, and we'll make sure we share those with you afterwards.