It's a tough question. I think our focus has really been on the biggest sources of emissions. You start with the biggest sources of emissions and work forward in the spirit of fishing where the fish are in terms of emissions. We have focused on the largest sources of emissions, whether it's electricity generation, heavy industry, the transportation sector and the building stock.
One potentially interesting example for smaller towns is opportunities for geothermal energy and community heating and cooling. In downtown Toronto, they're pulling cold water from the bottom of Lake Ontario and cooling the banking district with that cool water. There are opportunities for district heating systems in smaller communities where you can have a combined heat and power system that generates a little bit of electricity and a lot of heat and heats the downtown core.
That's a little further afield. It's not something that's common now, although in Charlottetown I believe they're heating part of the downtown core by an incineration plant that basically runs off the methane from a landfill. We're supporting that through the low-carbon economy fund, an expansion of that program.
There are opportunities. The question is what is cost effective, and our hope is that with the implementation of policies, including a price on carbon pollution, we can get to the point where the cost of the technologies comes down and the economics work so that there are, maybe, some opportunities for district heating and cooling.
Public transit, obviously, is an important one that is more relevant for larger centres, but there are opportunities for smaller-scale public transit in smaller communities, including shuttle routes between popular destinations within towns.
I'm also from a small town and there is a small public transit system that shuttles between downtown and the suburbs. There are opportunities and there are examples that we can draw from on both the building stock side and on the transportation side, but, as I say, right now that has not been the core focus so far.