Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good afternoon, members.
I'm pleased to be here with you today to discuss the 2018-19 supplementary estimates (A) for Environment and Climate Change Canada.
With me are Matt Jones, the assistant deputy minister of the pan-Canadian framework implementation office; Sue Milburn-Hopwood, the assistant deputy minister of the Canadian Wildlife Service; Mark Cauchi, our director general for protected areas; and Mary Taylor, our director general, environmental protection operations.
Supplementary estimates (A) include $23 million in new spending that requires parliamentary approval and a reduction of $3.2 million in transfers, for a net total of $19.8 million. This represents a 1.2% increase over the authorities to date, bringing the proposed authorities to $1.65 billion.
Our estimates include new spending for six items: new impact assessment and regulatory processes; the indigenous guardians program; the federal carbon pollution pricing system; Canada's nature, parks and wild spaces; government advertising programs; and funding to address issues in pay administration. I will now provide a summary of each item.
In January 2018, the Government of Canada announced that it would invest $1 billion over five years to support the new impact assessment system. The new process will broaden impact assessments to consider health and socio-economic impacts in addition to environmental impacts, create a new early planning and engagement phase and strengthen partnerships with indigenous peoples.
The supplementary estimates (A) are seeking a total of $74.6 million in 2018-19 for this horizontal initiative, which includes $8.1 million for Environment and Climate Change Canada to provide scientific advice and expertise, collect data, implement open science and a data platform, and provide contributions to support community-based monitoring.
Budget 2017 announced $25 million over five years to support the indigenous guardians program. This initiative will give indigenous peoples greater responsibility and resources to manage their traditional lands and waterways, and facilitate partnerships with indigenous communities in monitoring ecological health, maintaining cultural sites and protecting sensitive areas and species. Environment and Climate Change Canada is requesting $5.3 million in these estimates to establish and administer the indigenous guardians program.
Moreover, Environment and Climate Change Canada is seeking $3.9 million in supplementary estimates (A) to support the development of a federal carbon pollution pricing system that would apply in provinces and territories upon request, and in provinces and territories that do not have a pricing system in place that meets the federal benchmark by the end of 2018.
Budget 2018 also announced $1.3 billion in spending over five years to support Canada's biodiversity by protecting species and spaces. The supplementary estimates (A) are seeking $17.5 million for this horizontal initiative, including $1.7 million for Environment and Climate Change Canada to renew and enhance the species at risk program, strengthen the management of the department's conservation areas and provide contributions to promote the conservation of biodiversity through the Canada nature fund.
Environment and Climate Change Canada is also seeking $1.4 million in funding for advertising programs to implement the nature legacy campaign.
The last spending item in these estimates is to address issues in pay administration. A total of $24.9 million is being sought by various departments and agencies, including approximately $800,000 for Environment and Climate Change Canada, to strengthen internal capacity to address human resources and pay administration issues.
As for internal transfers, a reallocation of resources will allow Environment and Climate Change Canada to realign its funding with emerging priorities.
These reallocations include a transfer of $550,000 from contributions to grants under the innovation solutions Canada program. This program supports the growth of innovative Canadian businesses by encouraging the government to act as the first customer. Environment and Climate Change Canada is increasing the funding for that program from $50,000 to $600,000 in 2018-19 using existing funds, and issued its first challenge in fall 2018 in support of the plastic reduction strategy.
These priorities also include a transfer of $600,000, from the operating funds in vote 1 to the grants and contributions in vote 10, to support the Canadian centre for climate services in providing enhanced climate information to Canadians. This reallocation of funds from the program's existing operating funds will provide the funding that is required for a modified approach to delivering the program. Whereas a government-built and operated web portal was originally envisioned, Environment and Climate Change Canada will now leverage the considerable expertise of the climate services community in Canada to deliver this commitment in a more cost-effective and robust way.
A transfer of $2.5 million from contributions to grants in support of “Taking Action on Clean Growth and Climate Change” is also included. This new grant authority was recently approved by the Treasury Board. Environment and Climate Change Canada is now seeking to list an amount of $2.5 million for this new grant to be funded from existing reference levels. The climate action fund supports climate actions in communities across Canada. It seeks to increase awareness of and participation in climate action among Canadians, especially youth, students, indigenous peoples and organizations, and small and medium-sized businesses.
Included, as well, is a vote transfer of $5.5 million from our operating funds in vote 1, to the grants and contributions in vote 10, to support commitments related to the G7 ocean plastics charter and the Global Commission on Adaptation. The department has a number of mandated items and priorities that were conferred through budget 2018, for which there have been no incremental resources. As such, the department has proactively reallocated funds from within existing reference levels to ensure that these high-priority items can go forward. Environment and Climate Change Canada is seeking a transfer between votes in order to provide the department with the funds required in contributions, to allow the department to fulfill its commitments related to the G7 ocean plastics charter and the Global Commission on Adaptation.
As for transfers to other organizations included in our supplementary estimates (A), Environment and Climate Change Canada is transferring a total of $3.2 million to four organizations to support collaborative projects and research for various programs.
I hope the summary of our initiatives included in these estimates provides the committee with the insights it is seeking.
Thank you.