I'm sorry I can't respond in French. You'd go home with a headache if I did.
In areas that are very close to pellet plants, we find we can get access to residues, but as we go further out it becomes challenging. We've worked with primary forest companies, and they've charged us for picking up their waste out of the forest. They tell us we have to pay them $10 a tonne, and if we don't they're going to burn it. We can't afford to pay that amount. We've put all the investment in plant and equipment, and we're making a low-value product with low margins. Therefore, because the tenure holders are the ones who control the fibre, we're not in a bargaining position, so we essentially have to pay whatever amount they say.
There would need to be a ban on slash burning, with exceptions, say, if you could prove there was no other use for it or something—in that case, there could be some limited burning. We're dealing from a position of no bargaining power against....