Thank you.
If you think about the 10% and the 17%, I think it's quite clear that's not enough. There's a risk that these have become islands of protection in a sea of disturbance, and that's certainly not the intention of the Aichi targets. The 10% and the 17% goals are interim steps toward something bigger.
I think what the federal government, hopefully through this process, can come to realize is that just by implementing some of the existing commitments that are in place, we can achieve those interim targets. Where we move after that...I mean, the CPAWS position is that at least 50% of our public lands and waters would be protected.
I've had the good fortune of working with Miawpukek First Nation in Newfoundland, along the south coast. They talk about conserving all of their traditional territory. I think that's an approach that we really need to look at. The leadership that indigenous communities are providing in maintaining holistic protection of the landscape is something we should explore.