Yes. Quite a few of us over yesterday received some correspondence from a Mr. Tom Lee, who's a former head of Parks Canada. This wasn't solicited or anything like that. I think it just came out. I got it the same way all of you did.
I'd just like to read it into the record.
“Chairman and Members of Committee, I have belatedly become aware of the Committee’s review of the above draft legislation. As an individual who was head of Parks Canada from 1993 to 2002 I would like to express my views on the legislation.
“I fully support the establishment of this national urban park. I had the opportunity to participate in preliminary ideas on this proposal during my tenure and fervently hope that this is only the first of a series on national urban parks which will bring Canadians into greater contact with both Canada’s natural features and its historical and cultural resources. I will, therefore limit my comments to my one major concern, the use of the term ecological integrity, for which I have three concerns.
“Firstly, as applied to the Rouge Park, it is an objective that is never intended to be achieved or even closely achieved and could only be even closely achieved by violations of parts of the Act including those for agriculture. To argue that an ecological integrity is “a continuum" which might range from say 5% to say 90% is disingenuous, particularly when agriculture will remain a continuous part of resource management: a position which I support and is supported by legislation.
“Secondly it is not necessary to include this term as an overall objective for all lands when the legislation could easily be drafted to provide...zoning for those lands which would be specifically targeted toward achieving the maximum ecological integrity possible, for example conservation zone.
“Thirdly, the inclusion of ecological integrity as the primary management objective is, and I know that is was not the intention of the proponents of this clause, 'double speak', with broad and potentially negative implications to the entire national parks system. The Committee has already seen some of the implications for this in some of the testimony. The fact that there is a ski hill or a townsite in an existing national park is neither an argument for agriculture in Rouge or an argument for more ski hills and townsites in the rest of the national parks system. The point is that this argument does not have to be and should never be opened.
“Thank you for the opportunity to make this presentation and best wishes in your deliberations.”
This is exactly what Mr. Fast's concerns and our side's concerns were. This gentleman, a pretty well-known expert in the field, listened to our deliberations. I would just like to bring that into play.
Thank you, Madam Chair.