In this audit we looked at the straight tax measures and the non-tax measures, which were, as I said earlier, loan guarantees, better interest rates, and research and development.
The issue of regulation that you're talking about, we are looking at right now, and we will be tabling a report on mitigation. What the government is doing to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and regulate is one of the things they have said they would do. We will be looking at that and tabling that in the fall.
When I introduced this concept and said there was a suite, I was looking at all the tools the federal government has, and I cut it up in terms of fossil fuel subsidies and support for clean energy, which is almost the opposite. You try to stop supporting the “bad” greenhouse gas emitters and start supporting the “good”, the ones that don't emit greenhouse gases, then at the same time look at how well we are reducing our emissions overall, and also how we are adapting. How is the federal government getting ready to adapt to the changes that we're already seeing? That was the suite when I mentioned the suite of climate change audits this year. Two were to be in the spring, but we've moved the clean energy one into the fall because this audit on fossil fuel subsidies became an issue of access to information.