If you're referring to the Green Home program and the multi-unit residential energy-efficient mortgage loan insurance refund program, the primary agent we've been working through is the mortgage loan insurance industry, through the lenders, the realtors, and the agents, largely because they're probably the first point of contact that a buyer would have when they're going to buy a new home or going to their bank to set up a loan for a renovation. It's a strategic decision, largely because the CMHC's commercial side deals with that industry.
I do know that an effort was going on later in 2017 and is going on in 2018 to try to broaden the base by spreading the knowledge around to the energy-efficient builders out there by saying, “By the way, if you buy my product, there are utility incentives and a CMHC incentive and there's an NRCan....” Whatever it is, the range of incentives could be presented at the point of purchase before they actually start thinking about finance, but by and large, to date we've been working with our partners in the mortgage loan insurance and lending industry.