There were a number of recommendations made by the CESD on how we do priority setting and where we choose to focus our enforcement efforts.
In response to that, we implemented, and have been implementing over the last two years, a risk-based approach, which includes a comprehensive analysis of all the laws and regulations we're responsible to enforce, including those under CEPA, to look at the harm that is done incrementally by offences when they occur. We do life-cycle analysis of toxic substances, for example, to determine how much damage is done to the environment by a particular pollutant, and then we combine that with in-depth analysis of the likelihood of those offences occurring.
Those two pieces go together to form a risk-based approach.
From a likelihood perspective, we look at prior criminal history, at operations of an organization—financial profit and those kinds of things—to create models that, together with the harm, target those offences that are the most likely and most severe from an environmental standpoint. So that—