I just have a bit of background. The idea was to have departmental officials appear last. Normally the departmental officials appear at the beginning, but Ms. Collins thought it would be a good idea, and the committee agreed, that they appear last.
The clerk deals with someone in the department, a public servant, to determine who will appear for the department. The excellent witnesses we have today were suggested by the department. To my knowledge, nobody invited anyone from the Public Prosecution Service of Canada. I don't think any member of the committee suggested that we do that.
There was someone by the name of McCready—I forget the first name and I apologize—who was basically replaced here today by Ms. Pelletier. Ms. Pelletier has been briefed. Ms. Pelletier, I imagine, was in the office all along.
You weren't brought in by an outside department, were you? Have you always been working in this office?