There is some cross-border exchange needed when it comes to recyclable plastics, just because of the way global supply chains are set up.
The real problem here is that there just isn't the clarity that we need in the recyclables trade. We won't export hazardous wastes without proof that the waste can be handled in an environmentally sound manner; we have to apply that policy to recyclables as well.
Hazardous waste also continues to cross borders into the U.S. because of our closeness at the border and such, but the key is really the transparency mechanisms. We need to have the proper information. We need to know beforehand—before our exports are leaving the country or before we're even receiving imports—that there's a chain of accountability set up and that financial guarantees are also in place so that any disasters from potential hazardous waste or hazardous recyclable scrap can be taken care of and managed appropriately.