Apparently, anytime somebody submits a technical paper, they always put that because it can be revised or it can be a work in progress. I don't know. However, it doesn't mean that it's not a legitimate document.
There are equations here. I'll read you an equation. It says:
Capital stock k, in period t+1 in sector i, in region r is given by
kt+1,r,i= (1-δt,r,i)...
The point I'm trying to make is that it's extremely complex. My question would be, has any expert, econometrician or statistician, looked at this document and said that this is not sufficient? Nobody has said in any of this debate that this is not sufficient. I don't think anybody here in this room is qualified to tell us if this is sufficient. We need to get in expert witnesses.
The other thing is that this document does have variables. It has 44 sectors. It subdivides the sector. It has assumptions. I'll read you an assumption: “New vintage capital is assumed to be a fraction of the aggregate capital stock by sector, year, and region.” That's one assumption. Then there are a few other assumptions sprinkled throughout. I underscored a couple of them before.
The point I'm trying to make is that there are variables, assumptions and everything else. Here's another one: “Similarly, the electricity sector was disaggregated into 11 categories of generation using similar information to the E3MC database.” I don't know what this means.
We're going to have the minister come, and I hope the minister brings lots of econometricians and experts. I suggest that maybe Mr. Mazier have his party bring in an econometrician or consult one and list arguments as to why this model is not sufficient, or is not indicative of what's going on with the price on carbon. This really is a debate of econometricians on whether this document is sufficient enough to answer the request by Mr. Mazier through his motion, which was adopted by the committee.
To keep the debate going, I'm going to say that this is not related to privilege. It would be nice if we could get the four individuals who wrote this document to come with the minister. However, I'll leave it to the department to decide who should come to explain to us what this document means, whether or not it is a model and whether or not it includes variables and assumptions, because quite frankly, I think it's extremely complex and we need some expert input on it.
I will rule for now that this is not related to privilege—