I will ascribe the motivation then because I firmly believe that it is trying to make it seem as though their programs are working, but your reports are highlighting that there's no strategy, no verification of results. There are clearly flaws in the way the government is going about this. Given that, directly and indirectly, Canadians are paying the price for a number of these features, given that our economic growth is stagnant at 0.2%, and given that our American counterparts with the same interest rates are rising very quickly in their economic growth, Canadians are, I think, rightfully skeptical of these numbers, which is why I asked previously about the totality of the NIR reporting numbers.
I'll give you an example of the ag report. You mentioned the N2O emissions. That is an impossible thing to measure at the field level, and unfortunately, the N2O emissions stemming from crop production can't be right because the number is based on a coefficient measurement of rainfall, climactic zones and soil types, and the estimation that all fertilizer purchased in that province is applied within that year with no carryover. You therefore have a whole bunch of assumptions that—ask any farmer—you know are wrong.
Generally speaking, I'd like to hear your comments on N2O emissions because they are a major contributor, and one of the most controversial pieces of this government's plan to reduce emissions of that type by 30%.
Again, how can Canadians have confidence in any of the modelling when we're changing numbers in the past to fit?
Oh, we have the lowest emissions in 25 years. Suddenly the website's different, and that now proves that, despite the fact that, yesterday, the website would not have proved that. I think Canadians are rightfully asking questions about whether these policies are actually reducing emissions, whether the modelling is accurate and whether they're getting value for money.