The report on December 24 of the Canadian Energy Regulator, as it's now called, was decisive because it embraced, for example, this great commitment to net zero and relying on carbon capture and storage. It is a lengthy report that we all read. It put forward something called the evolving scenario. You'll be familiar with that. It was an alternate, slightly lower level of oil production for Canada, but still a substantial increase.
It then observed explicitly in its report that even that scenario would not get us to net zero. It would not keep us within 1.5 degrees and it did not go on to tell us what kind of trajectory for oil production for Canada would do that.
That was in November 2020. In July 2021, about 24 of Canada's leading energy economists and experts on climate called on the CER to develop a scenario that would align itself with the IEA's net-zero scenario for oil production. It would be a line going down like that to some degree. Again, the CER issued a report on December 9 of this past year that again didn't tell us what that scenario might be.
The minister finally, on about December 21, directed, if you will, the CER to proceed and do that modelling, but we still don't have it.
I put this to the committee, since you're calling the government to account in Parliament. How can the government be setting these major plans, like increasing oil production, but at the same time doing massive carbon capture and storage, without us knowing what kind of trajectory for our oil production would be consistent with staying within 1.5 degrees?
We just don't know.