Thank you for the question.
I think there are many elements of that legislation that align with the research we've done related to taxonomy and disclosure. I think that, broadly, there's a lot more effort that needs to be made in that regard.
To your to your earlier point, we released a report two years ago now called “Sink or Swim”, which really tried to divide up the the types of activities and the types of change that we need to see in the economy. We stress-tested the Canadian economy based on different global low-carbon scenarios. From that, we were able to see different impacts in what we call “demand-decline sectors”, which are fossil fuels. There, what really needs to happen is that those sectors—those businesses—need to transform into new business lines that align with net zero.
There's a second bucket of sectors we call “carbon cost sectors”. These are the sectors that are emissions-intensive, that need to reduce their emissions and will have demand through the transition.