There's nothing like a little tech problem to throw you off. I apologize; I haven't heard my co-witnesses as a result of that.
Honourable members, thank you for the opportunity to appear before the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development.
I'm a professor of law emerita at the University of British Columbia, and I'm principal co-investigator of the Canada Climate Law Initiative, or CCLI. It's a collaboration of the law faculties of UBC and York University that analyzes the legal obligations of corporate directors and pension fiduciaries to manage climate-related risks and opportunities.
We publish sector guidance working closely with national industry organizations, for example in real estate and mining, etc. We have 70 Canadian climate governance experts, who comprise CEOs, accountants, actuaries, lawyers and others, who volunteer their time to give presentations to corporate boards on effective climate governance.
The importance of this committee's work, I think, cannot be overstated. You've already heard evidence about the devastating economic impacts of climate change, including that, last year alone, climate-related events in communities across Canada cost more than $3.5 billion in insured damage. Ensuring that we have the policies to mitigate future harms and transition to a more sustainable economy is something that I think we can all agree on, regardless of political affiliation.
First, the CCLI applauds the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, OSFI, for its guideline B-15 on climate risk management. It sets out key governance requirements for more than 400 federally regulated financial institutions. This guidance, which was undertaken after extensive consultation with the financial sector, sets the benchmark for what federal policy could achieve, and that is creating transparency, integrity and certainty in the financial system.
CCLI believes that three additional federal policies are necessary to protect the Canadian economy.
The first is to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act, CBCA, and/or its regulations. Since we submitted our opening statement, of course, there's been an announcement that the government will move forward to enact legislation to require the largest Canadian companies to disclose climate plans.
For us, what's really important is to make sure that financial statements include a transition plan to reach Canada's climate goals no later than 2050, with five-year targets for emissions reductions and annual reporting of progress. Disclosure of transition plans is what will equip investors with the information they need to finance such a decision at the speed and the scale required—and you've heard some of that today—ensuring that we remain competitive in the global economy.
Just as an example, if we applied it to the largest 1,102 companies that have an average income of $389 million annually and average assets of almost $1.5 trillion, and then, a year later, to another 6,000-plus companies, we would shift the Canadian economy, but we would leave untouched 98% of all businesses. In other words, we're not trying to suggest a burden on small businesses or micro-businesses, but rather that the big players, who really do move our economy, need to have a plan in place.
The second policy change would be to amend the pension benefits standards regulation and to require that plan administrators, under their current obligations, have a written statement of investment policies and procedures, or SIPPs, as they're affectionately known, to determine how their climate resilience policies pertain to the plan's portfolio of investments and loans. They already have a fiduciary duty to invest the pension funds' assets prudently and impartially and balance intergenerational interests—people my age and my grandchildren coming forward—in determining both short- and long-term investments. It's really important, though, that they be required to put their minds to this, and this policy change would be very significant.
The third is to press for a rapid development of Canada's green and transition finance taxonomy. It's important to remember that this is a classification system. This is not a standard that's being imposed. Rather, it identifies, as 40 other countries have already done, what will constitute green finance and transition finance. An estimated $115 billion annually is required for Canada's low-carbon transition, and a science-based taxonomy will create the market integrity, clarity and interoperability, globally, necessary to accelerate global capital to come and invest in Canada's businesses.
Investors are already looking for investment opportunities, and Canada offers resources and expertise in critical minerals, clean tech and a host of other areas that are sustainable. However, without a common classification system for investing in that transition, capital will definitely flow to other jurisdictions that are ahead of us in adopting it. More than 26 Canadian financial institutions have already endorsed the sustainable finance action council's road map, and it's important now to get that council in place before the end of the year so that they can do their work.
With those comments, I'll leave you for the discussion.
Thank you.