I was just wondering if the mover of this amendment could explain why we are singling out only one province. There are nine other natural resources ministers across the country who all adjust their policies on emissions from time to time.
I know that in my province of Saskatchewan, we have had changes to the solar panel programs for houses and different rebate programs for the like. I really think it is pretty obvious politics when we single out one province instead of making a more comprehensive study and including all provinces that are interested in participating and that can offer different perspectives.
If there is legislation that's going to be moving forward on this matter, I hope that the government is not considering legislation to apply to one province only. There are other provinces with considerable oil and gas sectors. Saskatchewan has a large oil and gas sector, as does Newfoundland and Labrador.
I think it would be useful to see what goes on at the natural resources committee before we single out one particular province.