Yes, absolutely.
This spring, the province announced $100 million to get the fund going. We'd like to see another $300 million out of the province to help bring it up to a billion dollars federally and provincially.
What has it enabled? It's enabled fish habitat restoration and wetlands restoration. It's enabled a bunch of planning, co-governance and partnerships with first nations, all things that we need in order to take care of our watersheds and our fish.
It has also drawn in a whole bunch of local community support, and that's something that our organization and other organizations in British Columbia, such as Ducks Unlimited, are fairly good at. It's also, I think, brought communities closer together. It has helped support reconciliation between first nations indigenous communities and non-first nations communities. There's a whole bunch of really good value-added stuff.
It's also going to help mitigate the effects of climate change. A bunch of the infrastructure we've invested in around beaver dam analogues, riparian area habitat restoration and wetland restoration is just generally good stuff for wetlands and watersheds as well as for preventing or mitigating the effects of climate change.