Yes, certainly, and I'm sure Wyatt can speak to this as well.
In the case of invasive mussels, we're one of the few jurisdictions as it relates to invasive species and disease. British Columbia currently does not have chronic wasting disease in wildlife, and it currently does not have any quagga or zebra mussels. The threat in terms of the impact on fish and fisheries, water systems and infrastructure related to water is worth millions of dollars a year if the invasive species end up in British Columbia.
I think that this is one issue that has opened up a Pandora's box strategically. Instead of dealing with it federally at a local level when it first emerged, we kind of let things take place, and now in British Columbia we're doing our best to manage it, but certainly federal funding and dedicated funding is a big topic today. We need to be protecting our borders here in British Columbia to ensure that we don't end up with mussels. It kind of feels like it's just a matter of time here before we end up with a positive.