Thank you for the question.
First of all, I do not share your interpretation of the last report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development. It doesn't say we're not going to meet our target; it says we have less and less time to meet the target. So we need to move faster, and I have said that many, many times since I became minister of environment.
The update on our climate change plan, which my colleague Mr. van Koeverden tabled in the House last week, shows that we are 90% of the way to meeting our 2030 target. It cannot be said that we failed to meet our 2030 target in 2023; that makes no sense. We still have seven years to implement measures.
On the specific issue of the emissions cap, you say that it took a long time and that it took two years to put forward the framework. I would remind you that it took five years to develop the clean fuel standard. Since I became minister of environment, our collective objective has been to reduce the time it was taking to develop these regulations to about two years.
In this case, we put forward the regulatory framework. The draft regulations are expected to be announced in June, probably, and the final regulations are expected to arrive in the middle of 2025. So we will have put those regulations in place in about two years.