If you haven't, then we may have to find out why that is the case.
As predicted, Imperial Oil's water monitoring reports have shown that there is toxic seepage from this tailings pond and that it was excessive, that there were high levels of dangerous toxins that were seeping through the groundwater. We're talking about dangerous substances, as you know, like sulphate, sulphide, lead, arsenic, methylmercury, selenium, nitrate and PAHs.
Mr. Corson, Imperial Oil knew the risk to the environment and you knew that you were not capturing and containing all the seepages. We know this because data from the two off-lease monitoring wells on the north side of the site showed high levels of toxins associated with tailings, high levels of PAHs—PAHs that, as my friend from the Liberal Party has mentioned, are linked to bladder and other cancers. Those are the cancers that members of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation have suffered at an exceptionally high rate.
You say that somebody should get to the bottom of this. You say that it's not your responsibility. I would beg to differ, sir.
As far back as 2019, Imperial Oil knew that the containment system was not working. In May 2022, you discovered what you called “brown sludge” on the surface, and you must have known what this was. It looked exactly like the brown sludge that sits atop the tailings ponds. You must have known, Mr. Corson, that your containment system was, again, not working. However, you didn't inform the indigenous communities. You didn't tell the communities that live downstream, and you did nothing to mitigate that. It wasn't until March 2023, ten months after the discovery of the brown sludge and six weeks after 5.3 million litres spilled and the environmental protection order, that you started constructing additional monitoring and containment wells.
In April, you came to this committee and claimed that you had solved the problem. You told me and other members of this committee that the containment system was a closed-loop system. If I'd asked you in 2020, Mr. Corson, whether your containment system was working, you would have told me yes. Was it?