We are travelling to make presentations. Soon I will do so within Canada and outside of Canada.
Within Canada, we respond as much as possible to the invitations we receive for presentations and to speak at seminars, for instance in the IT sector , to people working in the access to information sector and who have to know how to protect privacy and we also attend symposiums and conventions organized by our provincial counterparts.
This year, I went to Quebec city, to attend the annual symposium representing people who work in the field of access to information and privacy within the Quebec government.
So we deal with this king of activity all across Canada. Sometimes, we visit the offices of our counterparts and universities with research chairs. This covers about the full spectrum of these activities.
With regard to travelling outside of Canada, we offer our participation to organizations I already mentioned, namely the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and also the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. The latter deals with the Pacific coast of Canada and the assistant commissioner attends these meetings.
Personally, I deal with the OECD, which is always outside of Canada. This is just an example. We also receiving invitations to go to Washington to make the Americans better aware of our concerns and legislation. In fact, they do not have any framework legislation on the protection of personal information in the private sector and usually they have very little information about Canada.
We also go to Mexico. I am not absolutely sure that we went there during the last fiscal year but this is just an example—